domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
- A Newsletter Publisher's Main Task: Packaging Valu...
- An Appeal To The Bloggers!
- Writer’s Web Resources
- Art Needs Time to Flower - Even in Cyberspace
- A Quick Guide to ISBNs for Self-Publishers
- Don't Rely on your Spellchecker - or - The Importa...
- Take My Publisher, Please!
- The Biggest Challenge Facing A Poet, Getting Publi...
- I'm A Romance Novel Hero!
- The Three Cs of Writing an Excellent all Purpose H...
- About Writing
- Blog Your Way to Success - What a "Blog" is?
- What Hurricane Katrina Can Teach Authors
- From Idea to Published Book ... How to Self-Publis...
- PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites
- Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recor...
- A Good Book Cover Design is Key
- Mission Possible: Get Published with Goals, Guidan...
- 8 Advantages to Writing a Book as an Entrepreneur
- A Publisher’s Rant – Why I Hate Your Articles
- Cookbook Publishing - The Basic Ingredients and th...
- Platform Development Tip #1: Switch Writing Hats!
- Why Write an eBook?
- You Can Be An Author
- Getting A Publisher & Getting What You Want
- How to Find a Publisher for Your First Book
- Your Spellchecker Can Catch Punctuation Mistakes
- The Indie Author Revolution
- Book Marketing 101
- How to Get Your Book Reviewed
- How eBooks Can Be Very Valuable
- Consider Self Publishing in Ebook Format
- How To Publish Your Way To Success
- The Great, Okay and the Ugly of E-Publishing
- Publishing and Promoting of Poetry anthologies and...
- Write A Better Newsletter!
- Times Change – And So Should Our Publishing Strate...
- Why Self-Publish Your Book?
- The Pros and Cons of Print on Demand Publishing
- 7 Steps to Successful Publishing
- Steps to Publishing Success
A Newsletter Publisher's Main Task: Packaging Value Content
by: Alwyn Botha | |
The main task of a newsletter publisher is to select and package quality content of direct, practical relevance to its specific readership audience. This might sound quick and easy, but it is not. Publishing a quality newsletter is more than just cutting and pasting quality content into your newsletter. A quality newsletter is more than just the sum of its parts. The more the different sections in a newsletter support each other, the more benefits subscribers can get from it. A quality newsletter makes sense out of the Internet chaos. A good newsletter editor understands the Internet big picture and is able to pick out relevant information which is packaged into one newsletter issue in a way that makes sense for its readers. A poor quality newsletter is easily produced in less than 15 minutes of cutting and pasting quality content text. One issue of a good quality newsletter takes one day to produce - it might also select from the same content pool as the poor quality newsletter - but it takes more time in selecting the right combination of available free content for each issue. Extremely high quality content, randomly aggregated into a newsletter makes a poor quality newsletter. Somewhat lower quality content, expertly packaged and organized make a high quality newsletter. Your editorial note (that introduces each newsletter issue), shows how much understanding and effort you put into this critically important step. Publishing a quality newsletter is a creative process. It does not involve following three easy steps. Good editors will find this article packed with value, others will consider this article as utterly useless. Quality newsletters gets edited by the most senior, experienced people in an organization, not on a rotational basis by anyone with some free time on their hands. The following are some concepts that help a good newsletter editor in his or her task: Integration: combine the value content of several experts in their fields into one newsletter issue. Each of these experts can only contribute expertise on their topics. However, when these standalone expert contributions are combined into one newsletter issue, all their contributions grow in value because it is part of a larger solution. Your newsletter subscribers can possibly get all your newsletter content easily elsewhere, but come to you because of the way you package and present it to them. Position: by publishing a newsletter, you position yourself as the central point where they go to get quality Internet content, nicely packaged to address their exact needs. Team: your newsletter will be more valuable if its content is produced by a team of people. This team of people consists of: guest article authors, contributors of tips, subscribers that provide questions and software products authors that ask you to review their software. Benefits: your newsletter is only about providing benefits to its subscribers. The more value content you have the more benefits your subscribers get from you. Value content like: feature articles, guest articles, questions and answers, link to value resources, product reviews, your editorial comments, tips. To summarize: you, as newsletter editor and publisher, use your newsletter to combine the content of your team of contributors into a logically-arranged, benefit-rich newsletter for your subscribers. Your newsletter is benefit-rich when it is packed with useful, practical content that is directly relevant to the needs of your readers. A newsletter is not benefit-rich only if it contains detailed, step-by-step articles. A newsletter that helps its readers understand the bigger-picture meanings and implications of the Internet on a more philosophical level also has benefits. Such a newsletter should focus on educating its readership on how to apply their insight practically and on a daily basis to their business. A newsletter that focus exclusively on step-by-step articles makes its readers work harder. A newsletter that focus exclusively on philosophical, Internet bigger-picture visions make its readers think harder. In my opinion, a combination of these approaches is best. Such a combination will make your readers work hard - smarter. There are two main (opposite) approaches to packaging a quality content newsletter: Your write all the content yourself ... very time-consuming. You select and package content created by others ... the more practical and realistic approach. Most editors choose a middle road where they contribute some original content and get the remainder of their content from other contributors. If a good newsletter editor's main task is packaging value content, a good newsletter subscriber's task is to read, understand and ACT based on the insight the gain from this content. A good newsletter is your personalized to-do list for the week.
An Appeal To The Bloggers!
by: Srinivasa Moorthy | |
Blogging is smart an art. Blog sites are the nicest portals which do aid people to unfurl their inundating mind streams, in umpteen aspects and share their ideas and experiences. It satiates several yearning hearts by being a platform for unleashing the artistic potencies from within, in writing reviews, articles, poems, stories, etc. Personally, I've been craving for such a thing for a substantially long period, until my student and above that my friend, Mr. K. Rakesh,, to whom I am grateful, came to my rescue by acquainting me with one blog site. (Visit - There is ample scope for registering our stuff, which might be of mammoth use to many others. To publish and later tweak it to the anticipated levels of perfection and subsequently seeing the transition for ourselves is an ethereal experience! I hope many of you know this better than me. My humble plea is only this - please don't use blogs for perverted purposes or illegal intentions. There are lot more areas for such things. Spare blogs! Certainly blogs are also for fun and frolic, but within the bounds of acceptability. May it be a perpetual source of inspiration, nurturing sensational writings that vibrantly serve humanity, yielding reciprocal harmony and international integrity in a broader sense, in near future. In the present context... at least self-improvement.
Writer’s Web Resources
by: Janet K. Ilacqua | |
The Internet has truly revolutionized the careers of writers worldwide. Now you can work for publishers, corporations and a whole range of other clients on a truly global scale. Whether you are in the heart of a big city, or in a remote mountain village, all you need is an Internet connection to run your writing business. The opportunity is fantastic, and so is the writer's life that you could enjoy. But where can you find the jobs you need to establish a full-time writing career? One way to start is through working the Internet job boards. Here aAlso included and listed separately are resources for business and technical writers, editors, journalists, and translators. Writers’ Resources--General Absolute Write - freelance writing, screenwriting, playwriting, writing novels, nonfiction, comic book writing, greeting cards, poetry, songwriting. One stop shop Emily's Writing for the Web Emily A. Vander Veer gives professional writers the tools needed to promote, publish, and sell work to the largest and fastest-growing market in the world: the Web. e-Writer's Place For writing inspirations, motivations and prescriptions. Freelance Writers is a searchable database of writers from all around the world. Freelance Writing This is the ultimate job board for freelance writers. Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l This site hosts one of the largest free writing resource links databases in the world! It offers education, daily news, a writer's store, creativity advice and forums, to name a few of the resources. Over 2,000 free writing resources in 40+ categories of writing FundsForWriters - A plethora of sources where freelance writers can find paying jobs Momwriters A community of professional and new writers ... who face the unique challenges of writing with children underfoot. National Writer's Union 'The only U.S. trade union for freelance and contract writers.' We offer contract advice, grievance resolution, health & dental plans, member education, Job Hotline, and networking. See also: Writers Union Job Hotline Published! Articles and resources...from Marcia Yudkin, author of eleven books and hundreds of magazine articles, syndicated columnist, public radio commentator, writing coach Published - The Directory of Independent Writers & Artists. searchable directory of independent Writers & Artists SharpWriter Grammar. Complete writing resources. Lot of good stuff here but not geared expressly for freelancers Suite101 This is an online community for writers. Not only is this a great site for work-at-home resources. You can apply to become an editor for them and get paid for your work. Sunoasis Jobs for Writers, Editors, and Copywriters Employment opportunities for writers, journalists, new-media types on-line off-line in reporting feature writing reviewing editing free-lancing editorial content providing etc. ... Recently submitted job offers: Copywriter, Freelance. Monarch Design, a design and advertising agency, The Burry Man Writers Center freelance job links, resources for fiction and nonfiction writers, working professionals and beginners with particular support for writing about Scotland The New Writer - the monthly magazine with the best in fact, fiction and poetry. aimed at all writers: the short story writer, the novelist, the poet, feature writer, anyone with a serious intent to develop their writing to meet the expectations of today's editors. The Writers Home A Web Site For Writers, Editors And Lovers Of The Written Word. TrAce Online Writing Community trAce connects writers and readers around the world ... with the focus on creativity, collaboration and training. New media writing, web development Worldwide Freelance Writer How to sell your writing overseas. Find out where to sell your freelance work. Detailed guidelines for paying writing markets all over the world. WriteCraft Writers Resource Center Companion to the WriteCraft Critique Group - where writers learn the trade. writejobs Job Title. Company. Location. Proofreader/editor. Bioedit Ltd. Freelance. Digital Photography Writers ... Writers Unbound Writing resources, Internet resources related to writing, writers, publishing, epublishing, authors and more. Articles and resources related to creative writing. Writer’s Software SuperCenter Writer's Software SuperCenter has software for writing books, articles, novels, and screenplays, including Writer's Blocks software, StyleWriter editing software, StoryCraft, and more! Writing World - Moira Allen provides writing tips, markets, news, contests and more. The Writer’s Gazette Writing resource site for writers on freelance and publishing, including articles, job board, contests . Nice, comprehensive list of writers’ job boards. Business and Technical Copywriter world Freelance writers bid for writing projects such as resume writing, documents in APA style or MLA style writing, poems, sonnets, research papers, business plans, your biography, free e-books, your business proposal, essays, marketing plans, web content, ghost writing, ad copy, catalogs... virtually any form of writing. Freelance Online - a professional online service for freelancers in the publishing and advertising fields. Free for employers; freelancers pay $15.00/year for membership. Freelance Success Freelance Success is a community of professional, nonfiction writers who subscribe to a newsletter that guides them toward well-paying markets and editors. There is not a job board located on this site. Techwriters Employs technical writers on and off site. The pay is excellent, but you must have a lot of experience with the topics Provides local freelance technical writers for projects such as manuals, policies, software documentation, and work flow integration. Children’s Literature Institute of Children's Literature offered the premiere writing course, books, and a newsletter to adults interested in learning how to write and be published for children and teens. Editing Manuscript Editing Fiction and Non-fiction; Serving writers, literary agents, and publishers since 1976. Fiction Fiction Factor - The Online Magazine for Fiction Writers. NEW! International markets Australian Writer's Marketplace The essential resource for getting published in Australia and New Zealand. Author Network - resources for writers including links, articles, monthly columns and ePublishing services. Canadian Writer's Journal Canada's Independent Writer's Magazine. Freelance Spain - the online Spanish resource for editors and journalists. Helping journalists build a presence on the web. The web directory for UK freelance journalists. offers you the complete guide to freelancing for publishers as a copyeditor or proofreader. New Zealand Writers Website Writing Resources for New Zealand writers WritelinkPRO is the content provider for top UK monthly newsletter and website. We pay on acceptance for writing articles, fiction, poetry, reviews. We offer free e-book workshops, free e-book on travel writing, exclusive Members Area. Journalism International Federation of Journalists - The world's largest organization of journalists, representing around 450,000 members in more than 100 countries. News Jobs Network Journalisms resources and News jobs in US, Canada and Utah. UK Links 4 Journalists the most useful sites on the web. This is the journalist's section. Translation ProZ: Freelance translators, translation services, agencies, jobs and directory ... Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia Fostering creative writing and the profession of writing in Nova Scotia. Writerfind New Zealand Linking New Zealand writers with local and global markets. Playwriters writernetwork. We provide dramatic writers with the tools they need to build better careers and redefine the
Art Needs Time to Flower - Even in Cyberspace
by: Seth Mullins |
The speed of the internet has profoundly changed many (or most) people's perceptions of writing and publishing. It has affected our sense of TIME. Everything is accelerated. If we can copy and paste a story or article and submit it via e-mail within a matter of minutes then is seems strange to still have to wait a few months for response. We've come to expect quick results in cyberspace. It's easy to forget, as we're staring at computer-generated characters and interacting with an animated screen, that we're still sending our work out to another human being. That person has their own schedule, their own set of opinions and values when it comes to stories, articles, and sum it up, they have a life away from the computer. The internet is the medium, not the message. Microsoft word has helped foster the illusion that anyone can be a writer. Who needs to learn spelling and grammar when the program can find and fix such errors? Again we have a distortion of our sense of time. Instead of building up our talent, and nurturing our ability over a long period of trial and error, we want to plow right in to that bestseller. The reality is that creativity follows its own rhythms, a natural ebb and flow. The process by which a writer's life experience percolates inside and then bursts forth in a new form is something that can be forced only at great cost to the work. Consider "The Lord of the Rings", the most influencial fantasy of the last century. J.R.R. Tolkien labored over that novel for twelve years. Readers nowadays might cry: "What a waste! Imagine what he could have done with modern technology!" when they hear that he spent an entire year simply hammering out a final typescript. What is seldom pointed out, though, is that this more painstaking process allowed him to carefully consider EVERY WORD that he set down in type. And fifty years after their publication, those words still ring with power and wonder. Perhaps its a blessing that he didn't have spell-check. The bottom line for writers is this: technology in many ways HAS made our work easier. It's done away with some of the grind, so we can more fully devote our energy to the creative process. Now if we can only keep in mind that that process works according to its own timetable. Lets not try to force it to keep up with the speed of our machines. Seth Mullins is the author of "Song of an Untamed Land", a novel of speculative fantasy in lawless frontier territory. Visit Seth at This article is free for republishing |
Seth Mullins is the author of "Song of an Untamed Land", a novel of speculative fantasy in lawless frontier territory. His nonfiction includes dissertations on the craft of writing, as well as the inner meanings of mythic and fantasy stories. |
A Quick Guide to ISBNs for Self-Publishers
by: Jennifer Tribe | |
A Quick Guide to ISBNs for Self-Publishers ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a code assigned to every published book that uniquely identifies it in the marketplace. ISBNs make it easier and more efficient for libraries, booksellers and others in the publishing industry to order, distribute and catalog books. When To Use an ISBN You need to assign an ISBN to any content you intend to distribute through outside channels such as bookstores, catalogues or libraries. ISBNs should be placed on -- print books -- electronic books -- videos -- audio cassettes and CDs -- CD-ROMs, and -- other items as detailed by the International ISBN Agency. You need to issue a separate ISBN for each edition of your book and for every format. For example, if you issued the same book as a print book, e-book, audio book and Braille book, you would require a separate identifier for each. If one year later, you updated the manuscript and re-issued the book, you would assign new ISBNs to this second edition in each of its different formats. Deciphering the Numbering System All ISBNs are currently 10 digits. (The industry will slowly be transitioning to a 13-digit system starting in 2005. See for more information on the change.) The digits identify -- the group (country, area or language area of the publisher) -- the publisher, and -- the title of the item. The last digit is a check digit. The group number is comprised of one to three digits. Zero is the number for the English language group that includes the United States, English-speaking Canada, the U.K., Australia and other countries. The publisher number is comprised of two to seven digits. The more ISBNs a publisher uses, the small their publisher number. Publishers that use more than 100,000 ISBNs are given a publisher number of only two digits. If you apply for 10 or fewer ISBNs, you will be assigned a publisher number with seven digits. Everyone else falls somewhere in the middle. Thus anyone in the book trade can look at an ISBN and know roughly how big you are as a publisher by the number of ISBNs you have applied to use. This is why self-publishing gurus like Dan Poynter recommend acquiring your ISBNs in blocks of 100 to avoid being labeled “small potatoes.” Poynter further recommends that you use an ISBN from the middle of your list of 100 for your first book, since a 0 or 1 as your title number will reveal you as a first-timer. The check digits range from one to 10. Since there is space for only one check digit, the number 10 is represented by an X. How To Acquire ISBNs ISBNs in the United States are administered by R.R. Bowker. Bowker charges a fee to process your application. Ten ISBNs cost $225; 100 ISBNs cost $800. Visit for more information, or to complete an application. ISBNs in Canada are administered by the National Public Library as a free service. Visit for more information or to apply on-line. For more information on the ISBN system and how it works, visit